Monday, January 26, 2015

Lean Like a Cholo

so i tried to send this last week but it wouldnt send. this is my email from the last week :)

the mission is rad. i love this place and i love the people and me and my comp are doing really well together. we saw some miracles this week, and worked our butts off. im starting to pick up what it really takes to have success on the mission. the price is heavy but it is so worth it.

first off P money fell through. she didnt pass her baptismal interview and long story short were not going to visit her anymore. she let 4$ a month panic her to the point that she gave up everything she had come to know as truth. we didnt let it slow us down though. that same day we decided to say a prayer because we didnt have any appts and we didnt know where to go. we started walking towards a complex that we had never contacted and went in the first door we saw open, climbed to the top of the apartments and knocked a door. an 18 year old chubby stud muffin named giovanni answered the door wearing a jiu-jiutsu t shirt that said ¨st george utah¨and elder passey and i just lost it. he was super confused but let the weird gringos into his house and after like an hour talking about the restoration he had commited to baptism on the 25th and came to church with us yesterday. he loved church and after church we taught him the word of wisdom and law of chastity and hes agreed to live them both even though hes got some issues with both of them. hes so cool.

we have another investigator named carlos de cuña that was born in south africa, his parents are portugese, he lived in NY for like a year, and now hes been in chile for like 5. we have really been praying for the gift of tongues cause this guyspeaks likes 50 percent spanish 50 percent portugese. its pretty tough but he came to church and loved it too. we had 5 investigators at church this week it was so cool.

benjamin is set to be baptized this sunday. im pumped he is such a good kid. he passed his interview yesterday and on saturday when we were practicing his interview my comp asked him if he has ever committed a serious crime... and he started balling. we didnt know what was going on but he ran to his room and wouldnt come out. his mom who we are reactivating right now and one day will be a relief society president told us that like a year ago he stole a pencil with some friends and doesnt feel worthy for baptism! hes got such a good heart i love him.

dad i know youre probably wondering why i titled my email lean like a cholo but calm down its got a good story. this week we found this guy named gilbert who comes straight from the hood of LA. he was deported back to chile like 5 years ago. but anyway we really wanted to teach him in english so we went one morning and he let us in. little did we know that him and his girlfriend were drunk out of their minds. he started preaching too us about who knows what and cussing us out and right when we got scared that he might do something crazy he was like wait... i have a song you guys need to hear... and he put on lean like a cholo and just sat in his chair and closed his eyes! hahaha we got out of there fast but it was so funny.

other random things- my comp fell off like a 15 foot cliff while we were doing service on a mtn of a psychotic convert who was not satisfied that we could not clean up the safari behind her house, he was then bit by a dog on the same leg he hurt in service, and we found a plant outside our apartment that we have humbly taken in as our own to nurture and care for. its a great responsibility. his name is bert.

this place is so cool, and we have the potential for a lot of success. we are working so hard everyday pretty much running up and down our GIANT zone on our hill named rodelillo. its tough, but i feel so satisfied everyday when we get home and we are seeing the blessing from diligence. 2nd nephi 1:21- and it came to pass that elder passey and elder allred rose from the dust and shook off the chains of the devil that held them bound! im pumped for the work were doing and i know we are going to see the fruits soon. love you all, love the church, theres nothing truer in the world than the book of mormon and if you dont believe me, read it.

-Elder Allred - chilean street raptor
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